Welcome Back 2023-2024
Dear Tri-County Families:
I hope everyone is doing well. This is a gentle reminder that TC Registration is being held on Monday, August 7th from 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. in the ICN (Board) room. You may register online from your home computer or your phone as well. If you need your login information, please contact Linda Heisdorffer at linda.heisdorffer@tri-countyschools.com or June Williams at june.williams@tri-countyschools.com If you have questions regarding online registration, please contact Linda or June.
Secondary students in grades 7th-12th who need to speak about schedule changes, please email Ms. Berg at jennifer.berg@tri-countyschools.com Schedules will be given out at Open House.
If you need assistance with the meal program, please contact our Food Director, Mrs. Hall at jill.hall@tri-countyschools.com Free and Reduced Forms need to be filled out annually and if you need a copy, please reach out.
The bus drivers will be reaching out with pick-up and drop-off times. If you have transportation questions, please contact our Transportation Director, Josh Icenbice, at josh.icenbice@tri-countyschools.com
Open House will be held on Monday, August 21st from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. The Tri-County School Board will be hosting a free hot dog meal. TC is providing all school supplies again this year. Secondary students should pick up their supplies during the open house from the cafeteria. Elementary student supplies will already be in their classrooms. This is free to all Tri-County students and we are pleased to offer this service again this year.
We are excited to welcome our new Spanish teacher, Mrs. Garcia from Spain. Please welcome Mrs. Garcia and her family to our community. We are happy to announce that Mrs. Springer will be assisting our vocal program in the elementary and the secondary as our long term substitute vocal music teacher.
I hope you have enjoyed your summer break and have been reading. I look forward to a successful new year with our Trojans. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Yours in education,
~Ms. Berg
(641)634-2632 Ext. #141